Something unexpected happened today. I was gonna meet Xf to go shopping when my house's waterpipes were suddenly not working. The kitchen tap, bathroom tap, shower, were not working, meaning I can't bathe. First time this ever happened in my life. And first time I felt so fortunate to have water, everyday. LOL. Asked Xf to meet me later on. My aunt called the Waterpipe Agency, LOL. Idk what's that called. It just so happens that my neighbour closed down the waterpipe cos maybe, they're going overseas. And closed ours too, in the process. -.- But thank God for water, seriously. And FYI, I did bathe okay. After my aunt called the waterpipes, the water is back!
Far East, Heerens, Cineleisure, Jurong Point. Dinner at Mac. My mac pictures look so kuku can. ._. My feet got blisters from wearing such killer shoes. I was wearing my Everlast pumps. Xf kept telling me that those shoes' brand always eat your foot but her words always fall on deaf ears and look what happened to me. Pfft. I'll listen to her next time. What's worst? I managed to endure 3hours of shopping. It almost killed me. Lol. At least my shopping trip was not wasted. Bought a black top for 19.90 at Far East.
I'm dead. Real dead. I've got 4overdue birthday presents and I'm lacking of money. Freak. What's more? 2 of my bestfrs' birthdays are coming. Ugh.