Hello. School these days are freaking random. The teacher commented that when I'm not smiling, it looks as if I'm giving the 'attitude' face. Then I was like, "Oh, so I should smile every second?" But when I told my senior about it, she said whenever I grin or smile, I look like a retard. -.- So I don't really know what they want lah. Loool.
Yesterday, went to the library and read books again. Mok and Xf studied. Had coffee first then did our work from 4pm until 7.30pm then had ice-cream at Mac. When I reached home, my father thought I went somewhere else because he didn't believe I was at the library for so long. -.- Proves that he don't trust me enough, pfffft. And freak, I look so kuku reading/studying.

Tuesday, I had cramps until I felt so sick, I went to the sickbay and slept there till school's over. I told Coach to drive me home as I was feeling very giddy and weak so he drove me home after school. Wednesday, didn't turn up for lessons as I was still feeling unwell but I did turn up for my Execution which was after school. I reached school at 1.45 and passed by the Chem Lab then my class people suddenly shouted, "Wah, Joanne! Why never come ah!" or "Joanne come for f&n nia!" Crap, I didn't know they were having chem. Lol. My f&n was total crap. I had waaaay too much ingredients. Let me show you the stack of containers I need to bring home. -.-

Madness. My classmates were saying, "Wah! From far can see a tower sia!" LOL. I had the urge to take cab again like how I took cab to school but I kept telling myself, "Cmon, you can walk home. You'll manage to save 3bucks!" -.- I must keep reminding myself I need to save for birthday presents. Dang.
On wednesday was also my maid's birthday. There was a mini celebration and lots of very EDIBLE and GOOD food. :D I doubt mine was edible anw. D:

One mistake that killed me in Execution. I baked my muffins WITHOUT the melted chocolate so it's tasteless and tastes like paper. -.- It only has Cocoa powder, flour, baking powder and eggs inside. But I kept the excess and made TASTY muffins at home. This time, I remembered to mix my melted chocolate as well. I'm not even capable of cooking 5 dishes. Crap. How will I survive in the future? D:
Maths Focused test today. Let's kiss my 10marks, goodbye. I left 3 questions blank and did not manage to complete my graph due to lack of time. -.- Training after that and home by 8pm. I'm dead beat. Ugh.
Who are you to judge? Who are you to comment? Stop playing pretense because you can't always lie your way through. You think you're all that but look at the mirror and see. You're nothing but shit.
Freaking pissed.